Policy positions
Policy position 1
Parents are ultimately responsible for the criminal actions of their children. Until kids are grown enough to go out on their own, the adults (parents) in the family are the ones who make the rules and ensure that their children follow them. Period.
Policy position 2
Most parents do the best they can. Most kids listen to their parents. But there are some who rebel and--no matter the punishment--they never learn. The parents of this type of kid should not be held responsible. What are they supposed to do?
Policy position 3
By the time you are two years old, you know the difference between right and wrong. We--each of us--is completely responsible for our actions and each of us--no matter the age--should pay the price for our criminal actions.
Policy position 4
Kids who break the law make me ask "Why?" What is going on in their lives that makes them choose to take a gun to school or steal a car or break some other law? Are they looking for attention? Are they suffering from a mental illness? I think there is always a reason for their behavior and we have to consider it when we decide to hold kids accountable.