PlayDecide games

PlayDecide is a card game for simple, respectful & fact‑based group discussion. All games are free and can be downloaded as a pdf containing instructions and material to be printed. Pick one and start planning your session.


Social media plays a vital role in modern society, shaping how we communicate, access information, and participate in public life. It can promote free speech, connect communities, and drive social change. However,…

Phil Wade

This PlayDecide was developed by the Department of Biology of the University of Padova as part of the science communication projects for the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC). The NBFC aims to monitor,…

Fabio De Pascale

No one would argue that diet plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being. However, the rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related illnesses have sparked a heated debate about the role of…

Phil Wade

An activity based on knowledge of the social structure of bees from which to draw elements of civic education applicable to pupils in a class before primary school: group discussion.
Disciplinary or…

Monica Fabri

Un'attività basata sulla conoscenza della struttura sociale delle api da cui trarre elementi di educazione civica applicabili agli alunni di una classe prima della scuola primaria: discussione a gruppi.

Monica Fabri

Centuries of persecution have led to the extinction of large predators such as lynx, wolf and bear. In many parts of the Alps. In the last 20 years we are witnessing their return This return is sometimes natural and…

Laura Tagnin

Współczesna polityka demokratyczna krytykowana jest za to, że wszystkie decyzje podejmowane są w perspektywie czteroletniego cyklu wyborczego. Tymczasem wiele z tych decyzji (lub zaniechań) ujawni swoje skutki…

Aleksander Pawlicki

Durant l'última dècada, ha sorgit la possibilitat d'obtenir carn sense necessitat de sacrificar als propis animals gràcies a que pot ser sintetitzada a l'interior d'un laboratori. A més, també es creu que pot arribar…


Durante la última década, ha surgido la posibilidad de obtener carne sin necesidad de sacrificar a los propios animales gracias a que puede ser sintetizada en el interior de un laboratorio. Además, también se cree…


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