This Democs game is a chance to explore whether we should try and enhance the human body and brain, using new technologies. You learn about what sorts of enhancements might be possible, consider the ethical and social issues, and give your opinions about it. No expert knowledge is required! Human enhancement is the idea of using new technologies to enhance the human body and brain which, some claim, could make us stronger, smarter, more responsive to our environment, longer-lived, maybe even to give us new capabilities. Developments now emerging in many fields, like nanotechnologies, molecular biology, computing and brain science, might one day make such changes feasible. Although it’s still mostly in the future, it’s seen as a serious enough question for the UK and other European countries to start to ask our societies what we would think about these new ideas. IMPORTANT PRACTICAL INFORMATION! This game is slightly different from the standard Play Decide template. You go through the rounds of the game as normal : Story Cards, Information Cards and Issue Cards, and writing Cluster Cards with the opinions of your group collectively. BUT, when it comes to voting at the end, you need a special form which you download from the Project file for this game. 1. VOTING SHEET ON 8 APPLICATIONS OF HUMAN ENHANCEMENT (Word File) - You need one copy of this sheet for every player. Each player makes their votes and writes comments individually on their own sheet. Because human enhancement is not just one idea or policy, people told us it was more helpful to vote on different potential applications of the technology. We ask you to say why you voted that way, in your own words. And we also ask you whether you think each application is a purely personal matter or if society should decide about it or regulate it. There are also two other extra files which you can download : 2. INSTRUCTION BOOKLET (PDF file) - we recommend you read this because this game has some important differences from a standard Decide/Democs game 3. FEEDBACK FORM (Optional - Word File) - If you would like to, we also invite you to tell us where and when you played the game, the name of your group, age ranges, genders, and how much you knew about the issues beforehand.