PlayDecide games

PlayDecide is a card game for simple, respectful & fact‑based group discussion. All games are free and can be downloaded as a pdf containing instructions and material to be printed. Pick one and start planning your session.


De acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), o TDAH é um transtorno neurobiológico de causa genética, passível de ser tratado com o uso de medicamentos. Entretanto, alguns estudiosos do assunto negam a…

Marina Assis Fonseca

Desenvolvido pela equipe Sentidos do Nascer

A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) alerta que a taxa de cesáreas vem aumentando…

Marina Assis Fonseca

Sentidos do Nascer

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the rate of Cesarean sections (C-sections) have been increasing…

Marina Assis Fonseca

Dans les pays européens, ainsi que dans d'autres pays, « l'expérimentation animale dans la recherche biomédicale » fait l'objet de débats houleux.
D'une part, nous recherchons des médicaments et des traitements…

Marion Tremblain

Henrietta Lacks va néixer el 1920 als Estats Units. El 1951 li van diagnosticar càncer de cèrvix, i sense el seu consentiment, es van aïllar cèl·lules del tumor que li van biopsiar. Van ser les primeres cèl·lules a…


In European countries, under GDPR, individuals 'own' their personal data, which includes medical information i.e. patient data.

In Ireland, individuals 'own' their patient data, but not necessarily the…

Marie Boran

Genredigering er teknologi som bruker spesialiserte enzymkomplekser for å gjøre målrettede endringer i DNA. Oppdagelsen av CRISPR/Cas9 i 2012 førte til en voldsom forenkling og akselerasjon av prosessen. Siden da har…

Cathrine Børufsen Solberg

In European countries, as well as in other countries ‘Animal testing in biomedical research’ is a subject of heated debate.

On the one hand, we are looking for new, improved and safer drugs and treatment. On…

Glenn Embrechts

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