In provincia di Trento il settore agricolo ha saputo specializzarsi per competere nel mercato ormai globalizzato mantenendo un tessuto produttivo fatto di tante piccole aziende famigliari che generano ricchezza nelle…
The game wants to make people think, debate and learn about the world of fisheries in the Mediterranean
Sea. It represents an effort in order to sensitize higher education students, young professionals and…
The game wants to make people think, debate and learn about the world of fisheries in the Mediterranean
Sea. It represents an effort in order to sensitize higher education students, young professionals and…
Genome editing refers to procedures that use special enzyme complexes toalter DNA. The discovery of CRISPR/Cas 9 in 2012 significantly simplified and accelerated the process. Since then, genome editing has become a…
Genome Editing bezeichnet Verfahren, bei denen gezielt die DNA verändert wird. Dazu benutzt man spezielle Enzymkomplexe. Durch die Entdeckung von CriprCas 9 im Jahr 2012 wurde das Verfahren erheblich vereinfacht und…