Policy positions
Policy position 1
EYE has no impact on Society. Pre-schools are insular institutions separated from the day to day life of communities. While the focus of the preschool is undoubtedly on educating and caring for our young children, children’s involvement in decision making is largely inconsequential. Children’s views on most aspect of their lives generally go unheard because most institutions regard children as weak and have no serious contributions to make.
Policy position 2
EYE may have a negative impact on society if it is biased. In Illinois 40%of childcare centers report suspending infants under 3 years. African American children make up only 19% of the preschool population but comprise nearly half of all suspensions. Dr Rosemary Allen, refers to this as the Preschool to Prison pipeline. To be labelled as a problem before you are 3 has a profound impact on young children with lifelong consequences for society.
Policy position 3
Early Years schooling is vital in creating a successful society with strong relationships. Schools are where young children first learn that their contributions and thoughts are valued within a greater system.The skills that children learn during their EYE not only ignite that love of learning that will go well beyond the early years but more importantly set a strong foundation for ways of engaging and working within the social world.
Policy position 4
EYE is a way of perpetuating societal norms. Children in formal early schooling environments are merely taught to obey and all creative expression is squashed. The nature of the institution stifles true authenticity and causes us to repeat patterns. Instead of children being themselves and finding their own ways of being in the world they learn to conform to the group and a set of arbitrary rules meant to control towards specific ends.
Policy position 5
Early years schooling is essential in driving society forward . If we are to grow as a society we must encourage children to think critically when it comes to the complexities of why things are the way they are, how to act with passion in their hearts and possibility in their minds. The most impactful way to inspire innovative thinkers is to foster a love of learning from the very start.