An activity based on knowledge of the social structure of bees from which to draw elements of civic education applicable to pupils in a class before primary school: group discussion.
Disciplinary or…
Un'attività basata sulla conoscenza della struttura sociale delle api da cui trarre elementi di educazione civica applicabili agli alunni di una classe prima della scuola primaria: discussione a gruppi.
Parents make the rules. Kids break the rules. Only, sometimes, parents don't enforce the rules society expects them to enforce. And kids, sometimes, break rules for reasons that only make sense to them. Kids cannot…
Early Years education (EYE) is often overlooked in academia and indeed wider society. However, it is arguably one of the most critical times in a child's learning journey, laying down the blueprint for the rest of…
Desenvolvido pela equipe Sentidos do Nascer
A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) alerta que a taxa de cesáreas vem aumentando…
Sentidos do Nascer
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the rate of Cesarean sections (C-sections) have been increasing…
Stell dir vor: Du bist (Berliner) Bildungssenator und kannst 100 zusätzliche Fremdsprachenlehrer*innen einstellen – entweder für Türkisch oder Französisch. Wie würdest du dich…