PlayDecide games

PlayDecide is a card game for simple, respectful & fact‑based group discussion. All games are free and can be downloaded as a pdf containing instructions and material to be printed. Pick one and start planning your session.


Ongeveer de helft van de wereldbevolking leeft op dit moment in de stad. Waarschijnlijk is dit in 2050 meer dan 70%. Daarom is het belangrijk om te focussen op de infrastructuur die noodzakelijk is om deze steeds…

Aliki Giannakopoulou

Today approximately half the world’s population lives in cities. This proportion will probably rise to more than 70% by 2050. It is therefore important to focus on the infrastructure that is necessary to keep our…

Aliki Giannakopoulou

Ogni giorno sulla Terra si verificano migliaia di terremoti dovuti allo spostamento di masse rocciose nel sottosuolo, che si riflettono in oscillazioni più o meno intense della crosta terrestre. L’Italia, come il…

Giada Rossi

Das Rollenspiel dreht sich um die digitalen Leben junger Menschen und ihre Erfahrungen mit digitalen Medien. Das Spiel wird am Safer Internet Day, dem 8. Februar 2011, der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.



Ce jeu de rôle porte sur les vies numériques des jeunes et sur la nature et la qualité de leurs expériences en ligne. Il sera lancé lors du Safer Internet Day (SID) le 8 février 2011.

C'est le second jeu de…


This role play focuses on young people's digital lives and the nature and quality of their digital experiences and will be launched on Safer Internet Day (SID) on 8 February 2011.

This is the second role play…


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