Policy positions
Policy position 1
The focus should be placed on reducing emissions. We can reduce emissions by changing personal lifestyles, developing incentive programs, developing stricter regulations and enforcement, and changes in infrastructure including transportation, energy production, energy delivery, and industrial usage.
Policy position 2
Investment in new technologies, engineering, architecture, and energy production is most important. Current renewable energy technology falls short of our needs, and investment is needed to find better energy solutions. We need to maintain the current system, using existing resources until these new technologies become available.
Policy position 3
There are promising renewable energy sources that already exist that could work with the proper investment. Like all other technologies, renewable energy has to be economically competitive. Constantly investing in new forms of technology is a waste of time and resources. It makes more sense economically to invest everything in one or two of the most successful types of renewable energy and maximize efficiency and profit.
Policy position 4
The harm we have caused our planet is irreversible, and our planet has surpassed the tipping point. Many climate models predict that climate change will continue to occur, regardless of how much we reduce emissions. The time for action was decades ago, not today. Our focus now needs to be on how we can adapt to changes in our climate.