Policy positions
Policy position 1
Climate migrants must not be recognised as climate refugees andhe Geneva Convention should not be updated or modified to include this new category. In fact, it is too difficult to prove that the migration has occurred as a result of climate change.
Policy position 2
Climate migrants must be recognised as climate refugees. Developing countries often do not have the economic resources to adapt to climate change, so industrialised countries, which are responsible for climate change, should help bear its consequences.
Policy position 3
Since it is widely demonstrated that there is a strong link between climate change, conflicts, hunger and economic crisis, countries need to find a common solution to host people migrating for environmental and climate related reasons, as much as people fleeing for reasons related to conflicts and discriminations.
Policy position 4
National borders don’t have any reason to exist anymore. Since the effects of climate change don’t respect any political border, there’s no reason to still have frontiers that limit people’s freedom of movement. States must develop burden sharing and solidarity mechanisms to tackle migration flows.